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Canine Gut Health: The Power of Unprocessed Food, Probiotics, and Outdoor Living

Canine Health, Outdoor Living Chasing Sticks
Canine Health, Outdoor Living Chasing Sticks

As dog owners, we strive to ensure our furry friends lead happy, healthy lives. One crucial aspect of their well-being is canine gut health, which significantly impacts their overall health, just as it does in humans. Understanding the importance of unprocessed food, probiotics, and outdoor living can help you support your dog’s digestive system to maintain a balanced microbiome which ultimately leads to better health outcomes, may help to avoid chronic conditions, and allow you more quality time with your best mate.

We’ve highlighted 3 key areas which are important for canine gut health, but you can apply these principals to humans too!

1. Unprocessed Food: A Natural Diet for Optimal Health

Feeding your dog unprocessed, whole foods can dramatically improve their gut health. Commercial, ultra-processed dog foods often contain preservatives, fillers, and artificial ingredients that can upset your dog’s digestive system. All dry dog foods need preservatives to prevent the fat content from becoming rancid. Some brands are heavy on cheap carbohydrates or have low-quality ingredients and added sugar to make them super-palatable. In contrast, a diet rich in fresh, unprocessed ingredients provides essential nutrients and enzymes that promote a healthy gut.

Fresh meats, organs, fish, some vegetables and fruits, raw bones and healthy fats are closer to what domestic dogs’ ancestors (wolves) consumed in the wild, helping to maintain a more natural balance in their digestive system. These foods are easier to digest and less likely to cause inflammation or digestive disturbances, ensuring that your dog’s gut remains healthy and efficient, to help keep them energised and free from disease.

2. Probiotics: The Key to a Balanced Microbiome

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that play a vital role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. Just like in humans, a balanced microbiome in dogs supports digestion, enhances immune function, and helps prevent gastrointestinal issues. Incorporating probiotics into your dog’s diet can replenish good bacteria, especially after medications or illness, which can disrupt the natural balance.

Probiotics can be found in certain foods like yogurt or kefir, or they can be given as supplements. By regularly providing probiotics, you help maintain a diverse and balanced microbial community in your dog’s gut, which is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

3. Outdoor Living: Nature’s Contribution to Gut Health

Outdoor activities and exposure to natural environments are beneficial for canine gut health. Regular exercise and interaction with diverse outdoor elements expose dogs to a variety of microbes, promoting a robust, diverse and resilient microbiome. Just like humans, dogs benefit from the varied microbial exposure found in natural settings, which can enhance their immune system and improve gut health.

Canine outdoor livingAllowing your dog to explore different environments, play in the dirt, swim in the sea, walk in the bush, and engage with other animals on a regular basis helps them develop a more diverse and balanced microbiome. This natural microbial diversity is essential for a healthy gut and can protect against allergies, infections, and other health issues.

Potential Health Issues from a Sub-optimal Gut

Poorly functioning digestion and a compromised microbiome can lead to various health problems in dogs, including chronic diarrhea, constipation, and inflammatory conditions affecting the gut, joints and other parts of the body. Poor gut absorption capabilities can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies and a weakened immune system, which may mean higher susceptibility to infections and illnesses. Poor gut health has also been linked to skin allergies, obesity, diabetes and even behavioral issues, highlighting the importance of maintaining a healthy digestive system. Prevention is better than cure!

Similarities Between Canine and Human Digestive Systems

Interestingly, dogs’ digestive systems and microbiomes share several similarities with those of humans. Both species rely on a balanced gut microbiome for optimal digestion, immune function, and overall health. The same principles that support human gut health—unprocessed foods, probiotics, and diverse environmental exposure—are equally beneficial for canine gut health.


Prioritizing your dog’s gut health through unprocessed food, probiotics, and outdoor living can significantly enhance their quality of life. By understanding the similarities between canine and human digestive systems, we can better support our furry friends’ overall health and happiness. Remember, a healthy gut is the foundation of a healthy dog, and a happy owner.

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* Disclaimer: Information on this website is for your general knowledge only. It is not intended to replace qualified medical advice nor intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not disregard medical advice or postpone consultation with your health care professional because of information that you have read on this website. Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional regarding a medical condition. Always read the label of any natural health products you purchase and use only as directed. Consult a health care professional if symptoms persist. Customer reviews reflect individual experiences and results may vary.

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